Jeu d'échecs gratuit en ligne. Jouez aux échecs immédiatement avec une interface simple. Pas d'inscription obligatoire, pas de publicité, pas de plugin. Jouez aux échecs contre l'ordinateur, des amis ou des adversaires en ligne.
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Embed lichess in your site

Do you have a website, and want to add a playable live chess section?
Add the following line to your site html:

<script src=""></script>

The w and h parameters control the width and height of the chess window.

Embed the Chess TV in your site

Just add the following line to your site html:

<script src=""></script>


  • - theme: Controls the board theme. Available themes: brown, blue, green, purple, yellow, grey, wood, canvas, leather.
  • - bg: Controls the background color. Available backgrounds: light, dark.